
“Fair” means “just”, but until now it has been common practice for industrialized countries to “cheap out” when purchasing goods from poorer countries. Earth Tree deals with “Fair Trade” products, where both the producer and the buyer respect each other and trade handicrafts on a fair and equal basis.

What Earth Tree cares about


When buying products, Earth Tree pays particular attention to vulnerable producers and whether the trade helps them to have a stable life.

i. The faces of the local producers must be visible.
ii. The producers must be people who are in difficult social circumstances.
(People living in poor areas, landmine victims and those who have not had access to education).
iii. Producers are able to achieve self-reliance through handicrafts.

Handing over the tradition

Asia has a wonderful traditional culture with a long history. Weaving and dyeing have been passed down from mother to daughter for generations, and the warmth of “handicraft” that colors their lives, tradition, and culture is condensed into crafts. Earth Tree’s “Sharing Happiness Craft” is a self-reliance support activity that connects with producers through handicrafts and supports their independence. Earth Tree’s handicrafts are mainly from Laos and Cambodia.